1800 100th NE Bellevue, WA 98004

Provider Advisory Council

Our Provider Advisory Council is a group of professionals and practitioners committed to helping Eastside Academy serve its students in the best way possible. The Council is made up of stakeholders from a range of fields supporting education and adolescent mental health: therapists, doctors, pastors, educators, social workers, and college administrators. The purpose of the Advisory Council is to help Eastside Academy improve its programs and outcomes, to increase awareness of Eastside Academy in the communities we serve, and to assist Eastside Academy in developing events and other resources to serve the broader community and improve overall adolescent mental health outcomes.

The Council gathers quarterly for breakfast to hear from an Eastside Academy student, meet with school leadership, and provide discussion and guidance on school initiatives. To learn more about the Provider Advisory Council or to explore involvement, please contact Executive Director Blake DeYoung.

EA's openness was the first aspect that attracted me to the school. I loved seeing the way staff interacted with and supported students, and I wanted to also be a part of that change in students lives. Typical school settings often leave staff and students unable to fully connect; you get caught in the rush of trying to complete every task as a checklist, which is not what education is meant to be. I love being able to serve in a school setting where I can focus on each student's individual needs and growth, and I am able to grow alongside my students as I continue to learn from them and show them God's love.

A portrait of Kristen Britt